Mobile user retention | All you need to know

Mobile User Retention

As product usage analytics deliver a developing stream of information and experiences into product group dashboards, client maintenance measurements have become an increasingly reliable KPI to gauge client, product, and your wellbeing.

Be it your business, or your mobile app – iOS and Android user retention play a vital role in the success and growth of your product. Let us discuss Mobile User Retention!

What is User Retention?

User Retention is the proceeded with utilization of a product or highlight by your clients. While estimating client maintenance for include use is moderately clear (utilizing that highlight at any rate once in a predefined time-frame), estimating it for a product. It is essential to spread out the utilization factors that will be viewed as “product use” before starting your estimation endeavors.

Customer mobile retention relates to “fundamental to the development of your brand, business, or even online store, the expense of securing another client is a lot more noteworthy instead of keeping up and raising a current record.” Case Studies show that “expanding maintenance by 5% builds benefits somewhere in the range of 25% to 95%.”

Why is User Retention Important?

User retention expands your clients’ lifetime worth and lifts your income. It additionally assists you with building stunning associations with your clients. They trust you with their cash since you give them esteem in return.

The best customer retention strategies empower you to shape enduring associations with buyers who will get faithful to your image. They may even get the message out inside their circles of impact, which can transform them into brand envoys.

How User Retention does help a business or app objective?

Attracting new customers requires continuously honing your products and services to remain one stride in front of your rivals, and steadfast clients can assist you with accomplishing this by giving important criticism.

  • Talk to your existing customers – ask them what they like and dislike about your products and services, and what kind of changes could assist with improving their involvement in you. Following up on this significant input to address your users’ issues and improve your product and service is how you set yourself apart from your rivals and spot new freedoms for development. In this way, you can connect with your users!

A strong customer retention strategy will include studying your customer’s assumptions and encounters with you. Utilizing a profound understanding of client experience to direct your product and service, you can guarantee you are staying up with customers always changing necessities and are giving them no motivation to look somewhere else. Show that you esteem them, and they will esteem you directly back.

What is an opted and good retention rate for mobile apps?

If your mobile app keeps more than a third of its customers on the first day, you have great and expected retention rates. Notwithstanding, the normal mobile retention rate will depend on the app category and that should be determined by testing over time. It can likewise depend entirely if it is either an iOS or Android.

Retention rates between app categories can increase accordingly, thanks to customer behaviour and the inherent nature of the related apps in question. For instance, a quality utility — like a climate application — will have high maintenance since clients check the climate consistently. Then again, certain travel applications will have low 30 Day retention because individuals may install an airline’s official app to get a boarding pass and then uninstall it after the trip.

How to retain mobile users in the same app for a longer period?

  1. Track data as early as possible

To accurately measure retention rates and improvements to this metric over time, you need to begin the following information at the earliest opportunity. This will give you all you require to measure performance and identify which techniques and highlights have been affected.

  1. Beta test your app

This is a keen method to guarantee there aren’t down-changing issues and bugs inside your application that will decrease your user retention. At the point when beta testing your application, you should welcome clients to give input and utilize this to streamline your user experience. Following this cycle will guarantee your application is in the most ideal shape by launch day. An additional benefit to beta testing is that you are giving early access to enthusiastic users and building brand loyalty even before your application is accessible in the App store.

  1. Soft launch your app

If you have not already launched your app, you can use soft launches to A/B test and then proceed to optimize your app’s performance. A soft launch is a release within a smaller area that will give you opportunities to identify methods to optimize your mobile app before launching in the same but much larger area.

Similar to beta testing, this procedure will help you achieve high retention rates when you launch at a bigger scope.

  1. Ensure that product and marketing are aligned

When developing your marketing strategy for your mobile app, decisions must be aligned with what the product has to offer. No matter how effective your marketing is, your retention rate will suffer if the user experience does not match what is guaranteed. Misdirecting promotions may turn out immediately for UA, however they are unfavorable over the long haul. It is more powerful to adjust items and showcasing so you are pulling in high-esteem clients that will not uninstall after their first meeting as a result of misrepresentations in your marketing.

For instance, showcasing your mobile app’s in-game video in an advertisement is a preferred portrayal overpaying for illustrations that can’t be appreciated while utilizing your application.

  1. Optimize your user on-boarding

On-boarding is a basic advance in the user journey, and perhaps the most important for achieving a high retention rate. You have already done the work of acquiring the user and they have opened your app, so you guide the user through your application upon their first meeting. While optimizing your user on-boarding, think about the accompanying:

  • Keep it straightforward: It is essential to core features during onboarding. However, you ought to try not to over-burden your user with a lot of data. It is more powerful to give key bits of knowledge into your experience to guarantee that the user can easily explore through your application, with extra alternatives to get help where required. For instance, you can add question mark icons that users can click on to learn more whenever necessary.
  • Be visual: Sometimes an image or animation can be the best way to get a user’s attention or convey to utilize your application. Think about utilizing drawing in visuals to make onboarding as simple as feasible for your users.
  • Recognize which highlights have become natural: If your app shares feature with widely popular apps, you should not clarify how they work. For instance, most users will be comfortable with preferences, offers, and remarks because of utilizing other applications.
  • End onboarding with a CTA: A prompt and effective call to action (CTA) can increase mobile user retention by ending your onboarding. For example, you could ask them to enable push notifications or join the mailing list. Having shown your app’s value throughout your onboarding, this is a prime opportunity to loop users into your retention methodology.
  1. Application Store Optimization (ASO) 

ASO is the act of making changes to your app store entry to get a higher ranking. This can help you boost retention rates by pulling in high-esteem users and giving them a transparent representation of what’s in store when introducing your versatile application.

  1. Personalization

Personalization is an incredible asset that can be used by mobile marketers to boost retention rates. Indeed, 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that offer personalized offers and recommendations, and 90% of consumers find personalization appealing while browsing. Personalization is accomplished by utilizing user data to address people by name, make relevant suggestions, and any other way you can customize your app’s offering based on a user’s preferences. These customized changes will improve after some time and make users more likely to keep returning to your app.

While carrying out personalization techniques, it is imperative to find some kind of harmony. Most importantly, you ought to distinguish whether it improves the user experience. Some personalizations can make users uncomfortable so it’s critical to be particular about how and when you are choosing to get personal.

  1. Push notifications

Push notifications can be sent directly to the user’s mobile that will appear on the user’s lock screen. Despite the fact, users need to opt in to receive push notifications from an app, this kind of informing can be a successful method to take users back to your application and increment your standard retention rate.

Select in rates will fluctuate on app category: 57% of users want to receive push notifications from online media stages, followed by web-based business applications (25.29%), mobile games (19.05%), news apps (45.94%), travel apps (10.08%) and blogging upcoming apps (9.24%).

  1. Email marketing

Mobile marketers are utilizing email marketing to build brand loyalty, increase business/app engagement, and improve retention rates over time. By building a mailing list of valuable subscribers — you can bring users back to your app when sharing exclusive discounts, deals, and other promotions.

Email marketing is a brilliant method to retain users by offering them something of value, such as a discount on your products or in-app purchases. 80% of small to mid-sized businesses use email marketing to retain valuable users, as it is considered as an effective method including the company size and budget. This creates a win-win scenario for you and your target audience. Moreover, 49% of customers would like to receive regular promotional emails from brands they appreciate.

  1. In-app messaging

Just like with push notifications, in-app messaging an incredible method to keep people engaged. Mobile apps that use in-app messaging informing to speak with users see an increase in retention rates of 61%-74% after Day 28.

However, if you are implementing several retention techniques you should avoid overloading users with similar data. If a user gets a push notification and an in-app message for the same deal every time you have an update, this can irritate the user and further lead them to opt-out of push notifications. You should also select users based on their preferences and their requirements, so that in-app messages are optimized to be as useful as possible to the customer in all ways. This will improve the mobile retention rate by providing more value to the user.

  1. Offer Rewards

Rewards are a fantastic way to allure users to engage with your app and share their relevant experiences. Rewards can be in the form of discounts and offers. Loyalty points can also be considered as rewards. Free games usually offer daily, weekly and monthly incentives to players to keep them coming back to the game. E-commerce apps also use this method where they provide points and coupons to users while they share their purchasing experience, bring in customers through referral, or when they make a big purchase.

Final Thoughts

We have seen the importance of user engagement and retention of a mobile app. You should track data from the start, allowing you to optimize your mobile apps onboarding flow and personalizing user experiences.

You should implement gamification and implement push notifications to increase engagement as well as offer perks to engaged users, continually develop, and optimize your mobile app. These 11 strategies are extremely helpful to increase user retention for your mobile app – be it Android or ios.

Dappros Platform powers a solution that combines messaging, tokenization, personal crypto wallets and pushes notifications. Tokens can be exchanged for discounts, goods, and services involving businesses. Tokens can be rewarded directly in messaging sessions. Dappros Platform has used push notifications for user retention in both iOS and Android. They offer a product and a working plan that help in achieving these goals – user retention and increase the deal flow.

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Taras Filatov
Taras Filatov
Articles: 74