Best Open Source React Native App Templates and UI Kits

Every app development project begins with the primary goal of faster release in the market at an affordable cost. Furthermore, significant metrics are multiple device compatibility, user-friendly UI/UX, and a native look of a mobile app instead of a web app. Below is the list of open source react native app templates and UI Kits

React Native has become the most sought-after mobile app development framework since 2015 when Facebook, Inc., introduced it to the global developer community. Additionally, this JavaScript-based mobile application development framework can fulfill project goals like cost-effective developments, faster releases, native-looking apps, and unmatched cross-platform support. 

This comprehensive and extensively researched article will exhibit the top 21 free React Native app templates, libraries, and UI kits that you can try out. 

11 Best Free Open Source React Native App Templates for 2021

When you need to develop a multi-device compatible app using React Native, instead of starting from scratch, you can get inspiration from the following open-source app templates. You’ll get an instant idea of the app engine and source code. 

  1. Hooligram Chat App

It is a WhatsApp interface-based messaging app built on React Native framework. Therefore, the app offers effortless cross-platform compatibility for iOS, Windows mobile, Android, etc. Developers around the world use this app template to create experimental and production-level texting apps.
This app template also comes with a Hooligram-server to store user data on a real-time basis. If you use the app template, you will get better technical knowledge about group chats, multi-line texts, editing
texts, etc. 

  1. Perfi Spending Tracking App

Spend tracking apps are trending for the last few years among busy professionals. Hence, many development groups are focusing on integrated expense and income-tracking apps. Perfi is one of the best React Native-based personal expense tracker apps.
If you are a budding app developer and would like to create an intuitive spend-tracking
app based on React Native, you can experiment with the Perfi app template.

  1. Meteor Chat App

Meteor Chat is an example of a texting app for iOS and Android, based on Meteor server and React Native. You can use this app template to learn more about developing a CRUD application for forms-based data entry in SQL databases.

  1. Rocket Chat

Rocket Chat is an advanced-level collaboration app for DevOps and customer interaction. Users can stream videos, chat, share files, attend virtual meetings, etc., from one web app. Rocket Chat React Native app is the open-source iOS and Android version.
If you want to know more about developing an online collaboration app for businesses, you can get a complete idea from this app template.

  1. GitterMobile Community Management and Texting App

GitterMobile is the React Native app version of the official website. This app template offers many advanced communication app features like manual chat rooms, edit texts, mention of users, etc. Many GitHub and GitLab users use this app as an unofficial platform for collaboration.
It comes with many React Native integrations like vector icons, navigation, scrollable tab view, transformable image, fetch blob, etc.

  1. DuckDuckGo

If you are planning to develop a next-generation search engine to challenge the big IT companies like Google and Microsoft, then get inspiration by checking out the DuckDuckGo React Native app template. Being a React Native app, it supports a wide range of devices like Android, iOS, Windows mobile, Android TV, etc.
You can learn more features like showing generalized search results irrespective of geographic location and the knowledge graph.

  1. DoctorWho Fan Community App

DoctorWho is an open-source React Native app template perfect for creating community-based apps. It offers a wide range of features like image carousels, fan pages, content cards, book suggestions, fan art links, etc. The app template will also help you troubleshoot image resizing, Bootstrap classes, link content, edit fonts, and other issues.

  1. React Native Walkthrough Flow

You can use this free React Native app template to develop onboarding apps for the recruitment team, new service sign-up, online job portal account creation, etc. The template supports as many onboarding steps as you want with sleek and professional UI elements.

  1. Gifted Chat

Gifted Chat will assist you in incorporating a chat UI in React Native apps of Android, iOS, and web apps. TypeScript programming language is the core of this template. It offers advanced elements like an avatar, skipping keyboard, copy text to the clipboard, quick reply bots, location-based data, multi-line text input, etc.

  1. React Native Finance App

It is a clone of the iOS stock app built using React Native framework. When iOS app developers need to learn the implementation of Flux in React Native, they can check out this free app template. It comes with integrations like React-native-router-flux, React-native-vector-icons, etc.

  1. HackerNews

Are you planning to develop the next-generation news portal app? You can try out the HackerNews React Native app template, available for free from GitHub.

HackerNews serves app designers and developers with the latest news about ongoing or upcoming React Native projects. Therefore, it is the right resource for you to try to know more about developing news apps.

5 Best and Trending Open-Source Component Libraries Based on React Native for 2021

Instead of going through extensive work on modifying your app elements as per the target platform (Android or iOS), you can get up to speed by using the following free React Native component libraries: 

  1. Teaset

Teaset UI library offers more than 20 original JavaScript ES6s of component content classes. The library is freely available for aspiring React Native app designers and developers. If you like simplicity in your app design, you can give it a try. The elements of this library offer outstanding content display and user control.

  1. NativeBase

NativeBase is widely known for its dynamic front-end framework when you need to avoid extensive rewriting of React components for different devices. You’ll find a significant collection of must-have React Native components for cross-platform compatibility. You can also utilize this library through an online web platform. You can effortlessly give your app native looks of either iOS or Android, as you see fit.

  1. React Native Elements

React Native Elements consolidates multiple open-source React Native component libraries in one place. It offers many components for app development like search bars, overlays, pricing, badges, dividers, etc. The library puts the elements in one central server, and hence apps reflect the updates as soon as you apply changes. It is a cloud-based web platform, and multiple business-oriented React Native developers can connect with each other through this platform.

  1. Lottie

Airbnb made Lottie accessible to the worldwide developer community for free through open-source licensing. This React Native app development library offers a wide range of in-app animations. Lottie also assists the developers in rendering animations created on Adobe After Effects. It enables you to export animation files in JSON format from BodyMovin, an After Effects file extension.

  1. Ignite CLI

With the help of Ignite CLI, you can effortlessly add boilerplate codes to your app development project. It is compatible with both Android and iOS app development projects. You can also use, test, and share components within a collaborative environment.

5 Top Best UI Kits for React Native App Development Projects in 2021

  1. Argon UI Kit

Argon UI kit is an open-source resource for you to start the next React Native app development project. The template is built on React Native,, and Expo. You can get sleek and professional buttons, navigation paths, cards, inputs, and screens.

  1. React Native Elements

React Native Elements is an all-in-one UI kit to develop apps in the React Native framework. A massive developer community base around the world keeps adding professional and beautiful UI components so that aspiring developers can use these for free.

  1. UI Kitten

UI Kitten is a cross-domain UI kit for React Native app development projects. Whether you’re looking to build an e-commerce app or chat app, or social media community management app, you’ll get all sorts of UI elements from this library. You can utilize theme-based design to craft beautiful apps.

  1. Shoutem

Shoutem assists you with a UI tool kit as well as mobile app development tools for both iOS and Android devices. The development interface is easy-to-use, and hence budding app developers can also create awesome apps with a few clicks. You can also create or import content using an in-built CMS.

  1. Material UI

Material UI offers UI kits for material design components in a React Native app development project. It offers components that comply with Google’s Material Design standards. Developers code the components for mobile apps, and then as per scale-up requirements, CSS media queries facilitate adjustments for other platforms.

If you are an app designer, you can boost the design process by using the below-mentioned freely available React Native App UI kits:

Boost Your React Native App Development Projects With Services From Dappros.

If you are on a budget for time and investment, then open-source React Native libraries, app templates, and UI kits could be your best bet. Since your app involves your business, therefore, you may want to ensure that professionalism and data security drive the app development project. Dappros can make sure that your React Native app development is up to global standards and that all business data is secure.

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