The Best Top 10 Blockchain as a Service & Their Comparison

Extensive research on several Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) platforms suggest the following as the ten best Blockchain platform: 

1. Dappros Blockchain as a Service

Dappros Blockchain development platform offers more functionality, flexibility, and scalability at reasonable pricing. Noteworthy features of this platform are:  

  • Enterprises, small development groups, or individuals can integrate Blockchain into existing projects. 
  • Better maintenance of infrastructure and maximum uptime for SLA contracts through REST JSON API. 
  • Exclusively built on Ethereum blockchain cloud and highly secure.
  • State-of-the-art monitoring dashboard and audit tools. 
  • Flexibility through public Blockchain sync option.
  • Five-minute Blockchain integration capability. 
  • Premium Blockchain professional services with custom development and integration offerings. 
  • The product offering comes with mobile messaging and smartphone apps. 
2. Amazon AWS BaaS

Hyperledger-based Amazon AWS Blockchain-as-a-Service offers a professional Blockchain platform under two different names. These are: 

  • QLDB or Amazon Quantum Ledger Database enables you to get the functionalities of a distributed ledger database, but you do not have to create any ledger. 
  • QLDB offers Blockchain management for distributed (Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum) and immutable (relational) databases. 
  • Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Hyperledger-based private Blockchain network deployable within 10 to 15 minutes. 
3. Microsoft Azure BaaS

Consensys and Microsoft started Ethereum Blockchain-as-a-Service in late 2015. Some exclusive features of this Blockchain as a Service platform are: 

  • Azure Blockchain Workbench is known as an entirely cloud-based Blockchain platform development infrastructure. 
  • It offers an integrated and scalable Blockchain development environment through Microsoft Flow (Ether. Camp) and Logic Apps (BlockApps). 
  • ABW enables the development of DApps or distributed applications.
  • It also offers Blockchain API SaaS and Blockchain API product such as REST APIs. 
  • ABW can sync with Microsoft products like Excel, Office 365, SharePoint, 365 CRM, etc. 
4. IBM BaaS

IBM’s Blockchain-as-a-Service offering came into existence in 2017 through Hyperledger Fabric on IBM cloud infrastructure. IBM Cloud offers the following features as Blockchain as a Service: 

  • It offers a public, private, or consortium Blockchain network. 
  • To protect the public-private key, IBM offers SecureKey Technologies for digital identity sharing.
  • IBM’s proprietary Blockchain platform is termed Bluemix. 
  • It supports smart contract functionality through JavaScript, Go, and Java.
  • Users, developers, or enterprises solely take care of governance, operation, and deployment of the Blockchain components. 
  • Hyperledger  Fabric, IBM cloud, and Bluemix in conjunction enable easy development of DevOps project that could deploy Chaincode. Chaincode application manages business logic (consensus).  
5. Oracle BaaS

OBCS is the proprietary Oracle Hyperledger-based Blockchain as a Service that offers scalability, high performance, and security. Followings are some of the exclusive features the Blockchain platform offers:

  • State-of-the-art Oracle Cloud Services provide the necessary Platform as a Service (PaaS) and infrastructure. 
  • Hyperledger Fabric framework supports smart contracts containers, membership services, peer nodes and ordering service, and basic Blockchain API.
  • Object Store Cloud Service stores the ledger, and NoSQL DB cloud service stores key/value world state.
  • Management/operations dashboard is available for administrative tasks such as monitoring, audits, and analytics. 
  • Synchronous invocation of many Fabric APIs is supported through the REST gateway. 
6. HP BaaS

HP offers Blockchain as a Service under the brand name HPE Mission-Critical Distributed Ledger Technology. Followings are some of the features that the HP Blockchain platform provides:

  • MCDLT offerings from HPE offers Blockchain and SQL integration for robust scalability.
  • HPE and R3 partnered up to offer 100% fault tolerance levels for enterprise-grade blockchain application development systems. 
  • HPE Pointnext services offer business transformation consultation for Blockchain implementation, speed up Blockchain technology adoption, and manage operational excellence.  
7. SAP BaaS

SAP offers Blockchain-as-a-Service under the brand name Leonardo. Its exclusive features are: 

  • It is a complete cloud solution, and the client does not have to allocate capital investments in costly IT software and hardware.
  • Leonardo offers Blockchain API open-source standards for the development of consortium and private Blockchain networks. 
  • Leonardo being a Blockchain cloud with machine learning capability is the perfect vehicle for IoT services development. 
  • SAP HANA Blockchain enables enterprises to run SAP HANA databases in conjunction with the business Blockchain platform. 
8. Alibaba BaaS

Kubernetes container-orchestration system is the foundation of Alibaba Blockchain-as-a-Service offerings for enterprises and cloud container services. Followings are some features that Alibaba offers:

  • Alibaba is a versatile Blockchain platform that supports Hyperledger Fabric, Quorum, and Enterprise Ethereum.
  • It also supports fine-tech Blockchains such as Ant Blockchain. 
  • Alibaba currently supports the public and private cloud Blockchain network and willing to enter the hybrid segment in the future. 
  • Alibaba Cloud Container Service Kubernetes platform supports the creation, management, and operation of resources along with security management. 
  • Alibaba Blockchain architecture consists of four layers. The mid-layer application connects with business-oriented Blockchain solutions.
9. Deloitte BaaS

Deloitte offers Blockchain-as-a-Service to enterprises and startups focusing on Blockchain project ideation, planning, prototyping, development, testing, and final deployment. Some noteworthy features are: 

  • Blockchain in a Box is a hardware device that houses several monitors and four built-in nodes. 
  • BIAB device can link itself to external cloud systems through an SD card and provides an instant demo for Blockchain solutions.
10. Corda BaaS

Corda Blockchain-as-a-Service focuses on the fintech industry to simplify business transactions through automated smart contracts. Following are some of the features of Corda: 

  • This Blockchain platform only allows authorized users to access the data. 
  • Corda offers privacy and access control for digital records and transactions.
  • The deployment is cloud-based and quick. 
  • It also enables effortless Node and Docker setup.

The following table will portray a holistic comparison between the top ten Blockchain-as-a-Service features:

BaaS Platform Feature Comparison
Serial No.BaaS CompaniesAuthenticationAuthorizationBlockchain TypeArchitectureOther FeaturesDevelopment InfrastructureSignificant Clients
1DapprosSocial (Google, Facebook, Apple)Social (Google, Facebook, Apple)PermissionedSidechainMobile app, Chat/Social, Supply chain, SLAREST, JSON API, React-Native AppBlockstone, Cresto, Ant, Golden Key Honourable Society
2Amazon AWSAWS IAMAWS IAMPermissionedComponent BasedReady Templates for Blockchain DevelopmentOnly With AWS Blockchain Development KitNestle, Sage, Workday, SGX, BMW
3Microsoft AzureActive DirectoryActive DirectoryPermissionedLayered 3 TierInbuilt Consortium ManagementVersatile with Microsoft SDK3M, Insurewave, Xbox
4IBMIBM Secured Services ContainersIBM Secured Services ContainersPermissionedTriple LayeredRed Hat Compatible WorkspacesBluemix Development PlatformNordea Bank, Inblock, Kroger
5OracleIdentity FederationIdentity FederationPermissioned, Consortium3 Layers, 5 Core componentsSupports Multiple IdentitiesHyperledger Fabric SDKBanco De Chile, CDEL, SERES
6HPE Mission-CriticalMCDLTMCDLTDecentralizedDifferentiatedHPE PointnextEnterprise grade application developmentContinental
7SAP LeonardoService KeyService KeyPermissionedEDI, HyperledgerOpen SourceCloud Foundry, HyperledgerNaturipe Farms, Maple Leaf Foods
8AlibabaAccess Key SecretAccess Key SecretPermissioned, Consortium4 LayeredChaincodeAlibaba Cloud Container ServiceGCash
Table 1: Major BaaS Platform comparison on the basis of service features

Table 2 shows how leading Blockchain-as-a-Service providers support Blockchain hosting platforms. 

Blockchain Hosting Platforms
SL. No.123456
SL. No.QuorumEthereumHyperledger FabricCordaDigital AssetMultichain
2Amazon AWS
3Microsoft Azure
6HPE Mission-Critical
7SAP Leonardo
Table 2: Comparison of BaaS providers depending on their support ability for Blockchain hosting platforms

Concluding Remarks

Blockchain-as-a-Service has the ability to reshape your business as future-ready and scalable through the streamlined implementation of Blockchain technology. This blog is an attempt to will help you choose the ideal BaaS platform according to your business requirements. Of all the discussed platforms, Dappros Ltd. offers the top-of-the-line BaaS platform transforming your enterprise solutions to a Blockchain network.

Your one-stop solution for the digital transformation of your business.
We support Javascript embedding and all popular frontend and backend configurations

Your branding + full integration into your business processes and your existing software.

  • Digital wallet – all your users’ data and documents in one place
  • Chat/messaging – easily connect your employees and customers
  • Web3 and AI features – GPT bots, gamification and add-ons
  • compliance – GDPR, CCPA, DPA, HIPAA etc

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