Large cryptocurrency exchange launch announced by Ukrainian government

Binance, a large cryptocurrency exchange, is to launch by end this year in Ukraine. This will become the driver for the legalization of cryptocurrencies and of crypto ecosystem in Ukrain, The head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Mikhail Fedorov.

A memorandum between Ukrainian government and Binance has been signed onWednesday, November 6 according to Liga inform.

Binance is one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, founded in 2017. Over its history it has changed jurisdiction from Hong Kong to Malta and has been subject to hacker attacks. It remains one of the largest and trusted crypto currency and token exchanges.

“The exchange has billions of dollars in turnover. Some of these microtransactions will take place on the territory of Ukraine and in our banks. We are already talking with the National Bank and our state banks about opening accounts for this exchange,” the minister said.

According to Mr Fedorov, Binance has already begun to work actively on opening its office in Ukraine. Most likely, this will happen this year already.

“This is an additional hundreds of millions of taxes that our state will receive. For fans of cryptocurrency and those who work in this direction, this is a very big signal that Ukraine has appeared on the world map of cryptocurrencies.”

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Taras Filatov
Taras Filatov
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