Ethora open-source NFT community engine going public – v21.11

Ethora 21.11 is a historical release for us since it is the first time we have unveiled the code to the public.

Everybody can now access it openly via our Github repo here:

We have worked on the “backend”, Dappros Platform, for over 3 years now and we have worked on the Ethora engine, the “frontend” for over 2 years.

“If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.”

– Reid Hoffman

We are certainly still embarrassed by some aspects of our product. It is never a perfect time to release and there is always something that can be improved.

Certain things such as the code architecture and making our engine easier to work with for 3rd party developers – we see a lot of space for improvement there. We plan to give much more attention and resources to these items now that the most important functional and UX items have been completed.

The features set, the stability, User Interface and User Experience of the Ethora engine (and Dappros Platform behind it) we believe are at a ‘good’ level. It is at a level where it can be simply taken as is and applied to add significant value to our clients (application owners) and their end users.

These aren’t just empty words. Over last year we have worked with a number of early adopter clients who now run their communities based on Ethora engine in production, with applications in the Apple and Google app stores. Completely different use cases, different user bases (from dozens to over a million end users) and geographies. Thanks to the patience, kindness and support of our beta version clients and their user bases we’ve had an opportunity to significantly increase the maturity of the product and get it ready for you.

We are still embarrassed by the product sometimes which is a good sign according to Reid Hoffman. This means our clients get access to a fresh cutting edge product along with innovative features and technologies allowing them to ride the wave of the progress. Thanks to all the beta stage work of our team and the feedback from the early clients, however, we can confidently say it is a solid product already. And it will only get better from now on.

There isn’t way back – the repo is public, the clients and users expect new updates etc. At the same time, we count on the power of open-source community to keep us in check and hopefully start contributing. A new milestone in our exciting journey!


Ethora v21.11 Release Notes


  • Config file improvements – implemented across all screens
  • Resolved realm issue and upgraded rn version back to 0.64.2
  • Config – ability to enable and disable NFT
  • Improved in-chat playback for audio & video messages, added duration etc
  • Improved UI/UX for audio messages recording
  • Users banning and roles
  • Added waveform logic for Audio messages
  • Chat renaming – fixed, improved UI
  • Mint UI improvements
  • Profile bio – added chat links support
  • Fixed UI/UX issue with attachments blocking the message tap menu
  • Added/improved debug mode – supports JSON API and XMPP verbose logging
  • Introduced swipe menu for managing chat rooms


  • Add crypto wallets pre-creation to Transactions Queue process
  • Dappros Platform admin panel – annoying helper UI can be dismissed now
  • Process erc721Create with Transactions Queue
  • Process erc721Transfer with Transactions Queue
  • Process erc20Transfer with Transactions Queue
  • Added Redis queue and limiter for B/C transactions. Limiter is set via BC_STACK_SIZE at .env file. This is done to avoid overloading B/C node with too many concurrent transaction.

Stay tuned and do get in touch if you feel like you need your own NFT tokenized community app. Ethora engine is your perfect tool for that.

Your one-stop solution for the digital transformation of your business.
We support Javascript embedding and all popular frontend and backend configurations

Your branding + full integration into your business processes and your existing software.

  • Digital wallet – all your users’ data and documents in one place
  • Chat/messaging – easily connect your employees and customers
  • Web3 and AI features – GPT bots, gamification and add-ons
  • compliance – GDPR, CCPA, DPA, HIPAA etc

Fill out our Contact form or book a call to find out more.

Taras Filatov
Taras Filatov
Articles: 74