Sweating 😓 & building 👨‍🔧 a new major release of our product.

Gonna be really cool 😎

New version of our social wallet Ethora includes some ground-breaking features that multiply the impact of communities and ecosystems with the help of Web3 powered social economy.

In addition to new features we have rewritten the core engine, switched to functional components and got rid of old spaghetti code which means your Ethora based apps will run faster 🚀 and the project structure has become more readable 🤓 (hence easier to modify for your needs).

Watch / star Ethora project on Github to be notified when this major release is out.

Do you know a business or community that could do with a better mobile app including best social features, internal coin and gamification? Talk to me – will be happy to rock their world!

Your one-stop solution for the digital transformation of your business.
We support Javascript embedding and all popular frontend and backend configurations

Your branding + full integration into your business processes and your existing software.

  • Digital wallet – all your users’ data and documents in one place
  • Chat/messaging – easily connect your employees and customers
  • Web3 and AI features – GPT bots, gamification and add-ons
  • compliance – GDPR, CCPA, DPA, HIPAA etc

Fill out our Contact form or book a call to find out more.

Taras Filatov
Taras Filatov
Articles: 74