9 Best iOS/Android Community and Social Engines in 2022

Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs have opened the door for new decentralized technologies for brands, content creators, and businesses. One of the most practical examples is tokenized communities. 

Social tokens or coins are an integral part of such tokenized communities. Community members hold some amount of tokens or coins to participate in community activities like play-to-earn, pay-to-play, developing blockchain-based solutions, and so on.

Recently, businesses are also utilizing tokenized communities to develop a pool of loyal customers and rewarding them with community/social tokens, promotional offers, and personalized services. 

Friends With Benefits, RAC, and SuperRare are some social tokens based on tokenized communities that have seen widespread acceptance. The social tokens or tokenized community space will also grow with the development of Web3 networking technology.

However, scale-up, data privacy, community management, transparency, connectivity, and engagement platforms are some of the early issues that affect the growth and development of any tokenized community.

You will need open-source or proprietary tools to develop the app interfaces to host your community in a virtual environment. You also need to give them access to their crypto wallet or the ability to connect to the metaverse. 

Continue reading this article to find out a curated list of social app engines or tokenized community platforms that let you develop a community on the blockchain.

1. Ethora

If you are looking for the best solution for launching and managing a tokenized community, the Ethora platform, and app engine should be your first choice. It is a low-code or no-code development platform for social media, cryptocurrency wallets, crypto likes, and QR codes. 

The app engine comes with a suite of features so that you do not need to sign up for separate apps and websites. For example, all the services like community connectivity, crypto wallet, messaging, secure login, QR code reading, and many more are available in one mobile app.

Moreover, the app also lets you mint ERC-20 tokens for fungible coins and ERC-721 tokens for non-fungible coins. Thus, if your decentralized and tokenized community allows token minting, trading, collecting, and gifting, you can do that on the Ethora platform.

Ethora mobile app engine is an open-source project hosted on GitHub. It is available to the public through Apache 2.0 license. Thus, you can use the source code to build your own crypto community or social media app without disclosing your source code to the public.

Some of the novel features of the Ethora platform are: 

  • Built on the React Native UI software framework for mobile apps like iOS and Android.
  • Built-in crypto wallets and existing social media account sign-in.
  • Mint, collect, store, and transfer coins like ERC-20 and ERC-721.
  • Like messages by sending tokens or giving crypto likes.
  • Powered by the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Chat, push notifications, and social profiles. 

The enterprise-level version of the Ethora app engine is suitable for businesses that want to offer tokenized community development services to their customers. Dappros, the Ethora engine developer, offers additional features like an SLA package, a custom user sign-on process, branding, and extra security layers. 

Ethora engine has already powered two successful decentralized and tokenized community launches. The first one is the GK Connect social app for Golden Key, the International Honor Society for students and scholars.

The second successful project is the CyberCars Social. It is another tokenized community project that connects automotive enthusiasts.           

2. Tribe

Tribe provides a platform for businesses to manage their community or customers. It also offers mobile apps that you can customize according to your brand. So, community-based crypto projects and tokenized communities can also utilize this platform to manage their members. 

You can even let your members engage in discussions, activities, and content creation. Tribe offers you the necessary social tools to convert your customers into social advocates for your products or services. 

The platform also offers apps and functionalities to manage customer support, community support, self-support, user feedback, and data analytics. However, it does not offer an integrated platform that automatically imports community members’ crypto assets or facilitates social interactions with crypto tokens.    

3. Zeligz Web Store

Zeligz Web Store is another player offering a development platform for those who want to launch social coins or tokens. It provides several custom development services that you can leverage to set up your tokenized community. 

As a part of tokenized community development, Zeligz Web Store offers the following custom development solutions: 

  • iOS and Android app development for tokenized communities.
  • DeFi infrastructure development if you plan to launch the social community for business interest.
  • Crypto token or coin-based payment gateways.
  • Blockchain and crypto wallet development.
  • Designing a brand logo, digital marketing strategy for your social token, and community.
  • Multichain DeFi solutions and apps.

However, its portfolio does not showcase any past projects related to social tokens or tokenized communities. 

4. Lisk

Lisk is a popular blockchain application platform. They are working to boost the accessibility of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology to average internet users so that everyone can benefit from this futuristic concept. 

If you are a content creator, developer, small business owner and want to lead your own social token and tokenized community development projects, you can check out Lisk. It offers an open-source software development kit or Lisk SDK for developing blockchain-based social apps.

You will also get guidance toward project completion through several resources like tutorials, software documentation, and Discord community support.

Lisk maintains their own decentralized blockchain network with more than 250 nodes. The platform powered some blockchain apps like Enevti (decentralized social media NFT), Kalipo (decentralized autonomous organization or DAO support platform), and doEdu (EdTech platform built using the Lisk SDK).     

5. Human

The Human protocol is another tokenized service that facilitates the exchange of work performed by humans. It is a permissionless protocol and records all works on the blockchain as an immutable ledger. The project is available on GitHub.  

The client can get a job done by real human beings and verify the deliverables before closing the contract. The adoption of blockchain technology helps avoid spamming from both the client and remote worker’s side. 

For every successful assignment, the human worker earns HMT coins. You can also buy this coin directly to pay a worker. Thus, this is a promising tokenized community that helps a person find work in the data labeling industry and clients post their jobs.  

6. Clarisco

Clarisco brands itself as a social token platform development company. It offers enterprise-grade social token launching services. Besides offering development services, Clarisco also provides social token launch management.

The company expertise in blockchain development and tokenization assists you to develop customized communities with branding. Therefore, your members get a steady stream of return on their investments.

It’s development services that you can use for tokenized community development are:

  • Web-based app development for community management and interaction.
  • NFT token and smart contract development.
  • DeFi mobile app development.
  • Digital assets or cryptocurrency wallet development.   

The platform does not offer any open source app engine that you can leverage for affordable tokenized community app development. Also, it seems like you need to opt for multiple services separately which might affect productivity and initial planning.  

7. Whaleroom

If you are a visual artist, musician, performance artist, or manage such activities and need to manage a tokenized community for events and activities, Whaleroom is an option for you. You can deliver seamless token-gated experiences related to concerts, webinars, video conferences, and consumable content.

It is also Blockchain-agnostic. It means, that if you use Whaleroom you are not limited to a certain blockchain network. 

For example, if you see that your token is not supported after creating a Whaleroom tokenized community, the platform lets you fast-track integration of your token smart contract protocol. 

Creators or users need to connect to a Whaleroom using MetaMask or HathorPay wallet. As soon as you connect the platform will prompt you to create a user profile and then download the WhaleRoom social app available for iOS and Android.     

8. Celo

Celo is a layer-1 blockchain protocol that uses the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism for smart contract validation. It also supports Ethereum virtual machines, and thus you can import ERC-20 like tokens in Dapps built on Celo. 

It is a developer-friendly protocol and offers a mobile client that is ultralight. Thus, developers who work on mobile app development for tokenized communities can effortlessly utilize Celo mobile client for iOS and Android mobiles. 

9. Demand.io

Demand.io offers solutions and application development services that boost eCommerce ventures by leveraging blockchain and tokenized communities. Demand.io apps like Knoji, Favely, and SimplyCodes enable consumers to buy products wisely, and businesses grow sales volume.

Also, it offers a community platform where shoppers, business owners, enthusiasts, and creators can meet for community-based engagements. Demand.io is assisting entrepreneurs to make eCommerce decentralized and community-oriented.      

Launch Tokenized Communities With Dappros

Tokenized communities and social tokens will play a vital role in pushing average users to decentralized economies. Dappros can assist you in launching a successful tokenized community or managing your existing community efficiently by offering custom solutions built on the Ethora app engine.

The Dappros development team is highly experienced in combining technologies like app development, live communication, crypto wallets, digital assets, and Ethereum. Thus, you get a self-sufficient community app and do not need to rely on third-party websites or apps and spend a lot on them.

Your one-stop solution for the digital transformation of your business.
We support Javascript embedding and all popular frontend and backend configurations

Your branding + full integration into your business processes and your existing software.

  • Digital wallet – all your users’ data and documents in one place
  • Chat/messaging – easily connect your employees and customers
  • Web3 and AI features – GPT bots, gamification and add-ons
  • compliance – GDPR, CCPA, DPA, HIPAA etc

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