Top Five Blockchain Technology Courses In India

Are you interested in making an exciting career in blockchain technology? Well, that is great! 

​​Blockchain is considered a revolutionary technology that is popular as the digital cryptocurrencies backbone. It has been generating hype for the last decade.

According to studies, Blockchain got attention when in 2009, an individual or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin. At that point, Blockchain started unfolding as the greatest technology, which gained the attention of huge numbers of people.

Experts say 2020 was the big year for crypto, 2021 was even bigger, and 2022 is set to be the biggest year for crypto.

With time, Blockchain courses in India have become famous. And people are seeking to learn technology for a great future. 

Blockchain is a new concept, but jobs in this technology have become an everyday part of life. According to Gartner, the business value-add of blockchain will touch $176 billion by 2025, and it is expected to touch the $3 trillion mark by 2030.

In this article, we will discuss the top 5 blockchain courses that are popular. Let’s get started!

Is It Worth Enrolling Blockchain Courses?

Blockchain is the biggest opportunity set we can think of over the next decade or so!

Blockchain is going to stay for decades.

Are you still believe in being cemented to your desk? Or are you still messing with PowerBuilder or working Java codes? Well, it’s time to take a leap and walk with the latest technologies of leading Blockchain.

Blockchain is the latest technology, and its apps are spread over many sectors. Understanding this segment provides a perfect start to your future as a tech professional. That is why choosing a professional Blockchain course can help you solve its complexities with its newest apps. So, adding skills to your resume is considered the greatest method of ensuring a boost in your career.

There is one more reason for pursuing certified online Blockchain courses is that technology is playing an essential role in many sectors. Some of them are energy, supermarkets, finance, resources, health care, and much more; these sectors are incorporating Blockchain for future growth. So, more sectors are getting in the loop; more jobs are generating high demand for Blockchain technology experts

Top 5 Blockchain Courses To Enrol In 

Are you excited to make your career as a Blockchain expert? If so, then there are many Blockchain online course certifications available for students. Fortunately, you can opt for many Blockchain course options relevant to it. Below we have mentioned details of the 5 best and most popular Blockchain courses for beginners and experts. Take a look!

1. Learn How To Build Your First Blockchain

For those who want to be an ace Blockchain programmer, this training is the best one. You can consider this program as the basic and integral Blockchain course in India. 

In this training program, people say that students learn more than just Blockchain. It includes high school mathematics and a basic level of python knowledge. You may feel that the python section is a little boring, but the entire course is really interesting.

The program comprises basic level to advanced level topics. Also, the theoretical knowledge of Blockchain for making a smart cryptocurrency. Further, students learn to create advanced-level applications by using Blockchain technology.

Topics covered 

Check out the topics that will be covered under Learn how to build your first Blockchain course:

  • Smart Contracts Creation
  • Blockchain Reaction
  • And Cryptocurrency Transactions

Requirements for course

To enroll in this course, you need some documents listed below:

  • High degree with Maths level
  • Must have basic Python knowledge

2. Blockchain Specialisation

This course includes all the topics needed to cover to become a pro in the concept. It is an informative and well-structured concept that is ideal for programmers. Usually considered best for those who want to learn the deployment, design secrets, execute smart contracts, and code.

Furthermore, specifically, you will understand smart contracts. Also, students will get a core blockchain idea that enables autonomy, automation, transparency, and scalability.

  • A student can easily create a Remix IDE, Solidity, and strong foundation. Moreover, you will practice many practical assignments for testing capabilities that you have gained through the learning process.

Once complete this course, you will be benefited from clear instructions for Truffle commands and development process and Dapp design and behavior. 

This course features a fully detailed review of the blockchain ecosystem, covering various platforms and challenges in a broader option.

Topics Covered

Check out the topics that will be covered under the Blockchain specialization course:

  • Smart contracts
  • Truffle IDE
  • Solidity, Cryptography, Bitcoin, and Ethereum
  • Decentralized Applications
  • MetaMask Client
  • Remix IDE
  • Blockchain Basics

Requirement for course

To enroll in this course, you need some documents listed below:

  • Intermediate level certificate 
  • Basic Blockchain knowledge 

3. Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional (CEBP)

CEBP is an action-based program. It is the best course for those who are willing to learn about blockchain and its basics. Also, it includes knowledge about approaching Blockchain implementation. The CEBP program will teach you about actional tools. This is the best Blockchain online course certification that makes you an expert.

To be a Blockchain expert and enhance business opportunities, one needs to learn more than just a topic. So, in the course, you will be up-to-date with relevant knowledge and practical tools.

It covers different Blockchain networks such as; the Blockchain and Ethereum used in the finance industry and the real world.

This high-level course is designed particularly for guiding you through different aspects of Blockchain technologies. Also, it tells how Blockchain technologies affect enterprise business. However, students will learn engaging enterprise executives practically.

Topics Covered

Check out the topics that will be covered under the Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional course:

  • Blockchain Technology Fundamentals
  • Enterprise Blockchain Platforms
  • Blockchain in Trade Finance
  • Blockchain Applications
  • Blockchain Use Cases

Requirement for course

To enroll in this course, you need some documents listed below:

  • Intermediate certificate 

4. Become A Blockchain Developer

It is for those people who are willing to create smart contracts with Solidity and Ethereum; this is the best course. You can consider it as one of the topmost available Blockchain courses online. It has well-structured and thorough course material; the program assists students in building a solid foundation in Blockchain or related concepts. Also, it helps to make their practical skills and knowledge advanced with the examples of the real world.

This is also a Blockchain course for beginners; however, considered a high-level course. You can find many online learning Blockchain institutes that allow students to run code and learn along with it. Even people with zero experience can learn it easily.

Experts start teaching it basic cryptography to build a great basic understanding of the value of Blockchain technology. Later, they teach about the IBM – Hyperledger Fabric technology.

Further, the Blockchain developer course helps you to learn the correct techniques for various tools for testing, developing, and launching app applications on different platforms. 

Also, some sections of this course deploy your Blockchain network. After deploying chain code and it includes creating an app that invokes your chain code is operating in a fabric network. 

Topics Covered

Check out the topics that will be covered under become a Blockchain developer course:

  • Blockchain Implementations
  • Blockchain Overview
  • Asymmetric Cryptography
  • Chainlist decentralized applications and more
  • The 3-layer Model
  • Smart contract deployment
  • Linux environment setup

Requirements for course 

To enroll in this course, you need some documents listed below:

  • Applicants must have developed a few software apps, both backend, and frontend.
  • To develop sample apps, students need a Linux, Windows 10, or Mac.
  • Basic Javascript knowledge
  • Intermediate certificate

5. Blockchain And Bitcoin Fundamentals 

It is one of the most demanded and best-selling courses over the globe. The certification course of Blockchain & Bitcoin Fundamentals allows participants to gain proficiency in various aspects of Blockchain and bitcoin.

The course offers a full knowledge of Blockchain, digital tokens, bitcoin, smart contracts, networks, and cryptocurrency. Furthermore, you will also understand bitcoin mining and the misconceptions that surround Blockchain and bitcoin.

You can create a great understanding of Blockchain technology and bitcoin.

Also, this course comprises downloadable resources, quizzes, on-demand videos, and articles. And as a bonus, you will get a step-by-step infographic guide for training the developers.

Topics Covered

Check out the topics that will be covered under the Blockchain and bitcoin fundamental course:

  • Future of Blockchain
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Bitcoin
  • Blockchain Fundamentals
  • Bitcoin and blockchain relation
  • Digital Tokens

Requirements for course 

To enroll in this course, you need some documents listed below: 

  • No specific certificates required
  • One must have an interest in blockchain and Bitcoin working

The Bottom Line 

Hopefully, this guide has helped you understand the best 5 Blockchain courses online. As well as, you might have got a clear idea of the requirements and learning of each course. 

Undoubtedly, Blockchain has a vast future. So, it would be a great decision to opt for Blockchain courses and see your future in the same field. 

We hope you have liked this article. If you have any queries or doubts, then please write to us. 

Thank you for reading!

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