Taras Filatov, Dappros founder and CEO has produced a Medium publication with a report on state of the market of blockchain technology in logistics and supply chain. According to this report, there have been over 21 partnerships and initiatives in this area by August 2018.
Title: Blockchain in logistics 2018.
Link: https://medium.com/taras-filatov/blockchain-in-logistics-2018-c5c737d46dc9
Date: 16th August 2018
Other Dappros publications related to Logistics and Supply chain verticals:
Title: Tracy Chain – tracking your shipments via blockchain – live demo.
Link: https://www.dappros.com/201809/one-api-call-and-your-shipment-is-on-blockchain-tracychain-a-supply-chain-logistics-product/.
Date: 24th September 2018.
Title: Getting everybody [to work] together (IBM Maersk shipping blockchain struggle).
Link: https://www.dappros.com/201810/getting-together-shipping-blockchain/.
Date: 28th October 2018.
Title: Provenance. Tracking origin via blockchain.
Link: https://www.dappros.com/201901/provenance-tracking-origin-via-blockchain/.
Date: 1st January 2019.
Title: Decentralized assets tracking and transactions explorer.
Link: https://www.dappros.com/201901/decentralized-asset-tracking-and-transactions-explorer/.
Date: 28th January 2019