Blockchain Industry Update (Blockchain for Virtual Poker game, farm, Fishery and Baseball)

This week know how decentralized technology used cases…

Virtual Poker game trusting blockchain network because of trusted and distributed ledger technology. Bitcoin payment has made this site more attractive for users. Winning Poker Network reported buying 100 million bitcoin per month to meet player demand. 

Fukuoka-shi, of Japan on April 4th, commence 3 years project that will enhance the sale of farm and fishery products on e-commerce and social networking sites created using modern technologies like AI, blockchain, and Big data. They are estimating the super success of this industry. 

Major League Baseball and MLB Players Inc.Topps honoring the legendary player by collectibles enjoy a breakout moment with NFTs and blockchain technology. MLB Oakland Athletics already started accepting Bitcoin as payment.

Gary Gensler former Investment Banker has been affirmed to the job of director of the Securities and Exchange Commission – US

Hongkong-based insurance Tech firm YAS launched Microinsurance for NFTs called NFTY co-develop with Generali’s. It certifies a digital asset such as media, songs, arts, and collectibles to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. 

Turkish first electrical automobile project, TÜRKİYENİN OTOMOBİLİ GİRİŞİM GRUBU SANAYİ hiring Blockchian Developer. Read our blog “Blockchain Developer World Wide” to know how fast marketing for Blockchain Developer expanding. 

32-Year-old Indian born Vignesh Sundaresan – a blockchain entrepreneur from Singapore, is a multimillionaire financing NFTs. His recent most purchase of Beeple’s artwork @ $ 69Million highlighting how virtual work is establishing itself as a new inventive kind. 

Read our previous blog post here.

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