Blockchain developers worldwide stats (absolute vs relative to population)

UPD1: this report has been updated on 24th October 2018 providing more accurate source data.

UPD2: (10th Jan 2021) our Blockchain Developers 2020 report is also available now providing latest data.

Let me just leave this 20-sec video here for the introduction.

Steven Ballmer, former CEO and Chairman at Microsoft clearly got excited about developers, and not just on this occasion.  One can understand as software business is about developers. Software engineers or developers are the builders of digital world. With the propagation of open-source, object oriented programming, libraries, frameworks, SDKs and APIs, open repositories such as Github and Gitlab, the pace of progress in IT keeps accelerating. With the right focus a single software developer can make wonders and complete what would have been a work of multiple man-years in just few days by forking some existing open-source project and adding few added value functionalities on top, creating a new product. This is what fuels the fast growth of digital economy.

However we need the developers themselves. We need a lot of them. We need more developers! Especially within blockchain ecosystem where there is a deficit of skilled labour. This is why Dappros is committed to invest into ecosystem meaning popularization of blockchain technology, training of developers, building products that help implement solutions faster and so on. As part of this commitment we are going to publish analytics, career path roadmaps, skills matrixes and keep contributing to the ecosystem of decentralized software engineering.

We have started by taking an analytical view and trying to understand what is the situation with blockchain developers globally. Find below the results of our research on the countries with most blockchain developers available, according to information from open sources such as Linkedin. Please note data includes some approximations as we had to account for overlaps between terms such as Blockchain, Ethereum, Solidity, estimate technical vs non-technical roles in cases where it’s not clearly specified and obviously relying on social network data means we only have access to profiles that are available there. We believe however this analytics is helpful in understanding the trends and we will keep working on collecting more data and refining the analytics here. Your input is welcome, please leave your comments in the section below this post.

Clearly in absolute numbers US and India are the leaders, followed notably by United Kingdom, Canada, France and Germany. Full table below.

Table 1: Blockchain developers worldwide by country (absolute numbers)

N Country Ethereum Solidity Blockchain Hyperledger Total, est.
1 United States 5,818 3,184 44,979 1,772 27,876
2 India 2,381 1,432 19,627 1,579 12,509
3 United Kingdom 1,219 645 13,076 372 7,656
4 Canada 990 560 7,196 342 4,544
5 France 746 426 7,152 242 4,283
6 Germany 708 399 6,682 227 4,008
7 Netherlands 467 272 5,714 172 3,312
8 Australia 487 279 4,621 118 2,753
9 Spain 594 351 4,042 238 2,612
10 Brazil 384 217 3,623 155 2,189
11 Italy 381 312 3,396 112 2,101
12 Singapore 351 176 3,507 141 2,087
13 Switzerland 357 182 3,485 115 2,070
14 China 125 150 3,336 169 1,890
15 Ukraine 330 280 1,793 68 1,236
16 South Korea 214 159 1,903 106 1,190
17 United Arab Emirates (UAE) 167 110 1,924 117 1,159
18 Poland 209 183 1,480 57 964
19 Belgium 134 98 1,383 68 841
20 Russia 492 311 704 99 803
21 South Africa 165 82 1,311 33 795
22 Turkey 145 92 1,218 64 760
23 Israel 172 109 1,161 25 733
24 Ireland 130 69 1,138 51 694
25 Mexico 112 84 1,149 31 688
26 Japan 134 81 1,055 50 660
27 Vietnam 145 95 981 44 632
28 Thailand 96 59 1,068 39 631
29 Malaysia 116 77 1,030 36 630
30 Philippines 109 60 1,028 28 613
31 Sweden 107 107 975 29 609
32 Nigeria 103 57 1,029 20 605
33 Pakistan 148 106 831 72 578
34 Denmark 86 57 877 18 519
35 Taiwan 144 78 748 29 500
36 Austria 90 51 816 15 487
37 Argentina 27 0 905 0 466
38 Indonesia 97 64 739 12 456
39 Portugal 97 69 683 39 444
40 Romania 90 64 704 19 439
41 New Zealand 74 47 693 26 420
42 Bulgaria 76 102 517 18 356
43 Czech Republic 69 42 584 15 355
44 Finland 60 46 580 22 354
45 Colombia 27 28 618 23 348
46 Belarus 91 67 505 29 346
47 Norway 60 49 526 13 324
48 Lithuania 60 52 471 7 295
49 Kenya 27 18 515 22 291
50 Slovenia 51 38 484 7 290
51 Egypt 25 30 489 25 284
52 Chile 67 34 415 21 269
53 Saudi Arabia 30 43 439 22 267
54 Greece 66 41 410 15 266
55 Serbia 82 53 362 24 260
56 Luxembourg 46 15 372 12 223
57 Malta 40 20 380 1 220
58 Iran 41 46 328 18 217
59 Hungary 41 38 341 13 216
60 Venezuela 57 21 331 8 208
61 Tunisia 64 41 283 20 204
62 Peru 30 16 339 13 199
63 Slovakia 29 15 287 15 173
64 Estonia 28 20 316 6 184
65 Costa Rica 20 11 286 5 161
66 Bangladesh 36 22 238 17 156
67 Croatia 34 26 223 7 145
68 Cyprus 20 15 221 2 128
69 Sri Lanka 26 18 198 13 127
70 Latvia 32 32 176 7 124
71 Morocco 22 15 168 10 107
72 Kazakhstan 15 17 132 10 86
73 Nepal 21 16 112 7 78
74 Uruguay 16 8 118 8 75
75 Ghana 10 3 123 2 69
76 Lebanon 13 22 99 1 67
77 Jordan 11 11 102 10 67
78 Georgia 13 8 104 1 63
79 Ecuador 12 3 95 2 56
80 Armenia 10 8 88 2 54
81 Qatar 7 7 83 2 49
82 Panama 10 4 78 4 48
83 Mauritius 8 3 67 0 39
84 Moldova 11 6 55 4 38
85 Bahrain 3 3 69 1 38
86 Bosnia and Herzegovina 11 7 53 3 37
87 Macedonia (FYROM) 8 8 54 1 36
88 Algeria 6 4 55 2 33
89 Zimbabwe 0 2 64 0 33
90 Dominican Republic 10 7 48 0 32
91 Uganda 1 0 60 1 31
92 Kuwait 2 8 48 0 29
93 Liechtenstein 0 0 55 0 27
94 Azerbaijan 7 4 39 2 26
95 Oman 1 4 43 4 26
96 Tanzania 0 1 48 1 25
97 Guatemala 6 3 39 0 24
98 Cambodia 2 2 41 4 24
99 Albania 6 6 31 2 23
100 Monaco 0 0 45 0 22
101 Bolivia 7 3 31 2 21
102 Kosovo 7 7 27 1 21
103 Uzbekistan 4 7 30 1 21
104 Cameroon 0 1 42 0 21
105 Senegal 4 2 34 1 20
106 Cote d’Ivoire 1 1 39 0 20
107 Jamaica 4 2 29 0 17
108 Iceland 2 2 27 0 16
109 Mongolia 5 3 21 0 15
110 Honduras 3 2 18 2 13
111 Rwanda 1 0 25 0 13
112 Barbados 0 1 23 0 12
113 Myanmar 2 1 16 2 11
114 Trinidad and Tobago 0 0 22 0 11
115 Ethiopia 4 5 12 0 10
116 Paraguay 4 1 15 0 10
117 Bahamas 1 0 19 0 10
118 Andorra 0 0 17 3 10
119 El Salvador 2 1 15 0 9
120 Montenegro 1 0 18 0 9
121 Palestine 1 0 17 1 9
122 Laos 3 2 11 0 8
123 Kyrgyzstan 0 1 14 0 8
124 Afghanistan 3 0 8 0 6
125 Benin 1 2 10 0 6
126 Botswana 0 0 13 0 6
127 Papua New Guinea 0 1 11 0 6
128 Zambia 0 0 13 0 6
129 Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) 1 1 7 0 5
130 Fiji 1 1 8 0 5
131 Mozambique 1 0 9 0 5
132 Sudan 1 0 7 1 5
133 Belize 1 0 6 0 4
134 Nicaragua 1 0 7 0 4
135 Angola 0 0 7 0 4
136 Brunei 0 0 8 0 4
137 Iraq 0 0 8 0 4
138 Madagascar 0 0 7 0 4
139 Togo 0 0 7 1 4
140 Dem. Rep. Congo 0 0 6 0 3
141 Libya 0 0 5 0 3
142 Maldives 1 0 2 0 2
143 Bhutan 0 0 3 0 2
144 Cuba 0 0 4 0 2
145 Haiti 0 0 3 0 2
146 Yemen 0 1 4 0 2
147 North Korea 1 0 0 0 1
148 Suriname 1 0 0 0 1
149 Cape Verde 0 0 1 0 1
150 Liberia 0 0 1 0 1
151 Malawi 0 0 1 0 1
152 Mauritania 0 0 1 0 1
153 Saint Kitts and Nevis 0 0 1 0 1
154 Antigua and Barbuda 0 0 0 0 0
155 Burkina Faso 0 0 0 0 0
156 Burundi 0 0 0 0 0
157 Central African Republic (CAR) 0 0 0 0 0
158 Chad 0 0 0 0 0
159 Comoros 0 0 0 0 0
160 Djibouti 0 0 0 0 0
161 Dominica 0 0 0 0 0
162 Equatorial Guinea 0 0 0 0 0
163 Eritrea 0 0 0 0 0
164 Gabon 0 0 0 0 0
165 Gambia 0 0 0 0 0
166 Grenada 0 0 0 0 0
167 Guinea 0 0 0 0 0
168 Guinea-Bissau 0 0 0 0 0
169 Guyana 0 0 0 0 0
170 Kiribati 0 0 0 0 0
171 Lesotho 0 0 0 0 0
172 Mali 0 0 0 0 0
173 Marshall Islands 0 0 0 0 0
174 Micronesia 0 0 0 0 0
175 Namibia 0 0 0 0 0
176 Nauru 0 0 0 0 0
177 Niger 0 0 0 0 0
178 Palau 0 0 0 0 0
179 Saint Lucia 0 0 0 0 0
180 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0 0 0 0 0
181 Samoa 0 0 0 0 0
182 San Marino 0 0 0 0 0
183 Sao Tome and Principe 0 0 0 0 0
184 Seychelles 0 0 0 0 0
185 Sierra Leone 0 0 0 0 0
186 Solomon Islands 0 0 0 0 0
187 Somalia 0 0 0 0 0
188 S. Sudan 0 0 0 0 0
189 Syria 0 0 0 0 0
190 Tajikistan 0 0 0 0 0
191 Timor-Leste 0 0 0 0 0
192 Tonga 0 0 0 0 0
193 Turkmenistan 0 0 0 0 0
194 Tuvalu 0 0 0 0 0
195 Vanuatu 0 0 0 0 0
196 Vatican City (Holy See) 0 0 0 0 0

Visualized on a world ‘heatmap’ this looks as following:

blockchain developers statistics heatmap worldHeatmap: world blockchain developers by country, 2018

Following the above research which provides absolute numbers we wanted to look into what relatives numbers are going to look like. Specifically, what would be the ratio of blockchain developers to country population. This has rendered some interesting results, below:

Table 2: Blockchain developers worldwide by country (relative to population)

Table below provides understanding of how each country is saturated by blockchain developers in proportion to its overall population size.

N Country Population Blockchain developers, est. per 100K population
1 Malta 475,701 46
2 Luxembourg 602,005 36
3 Singapore 5,638,700 36
4 Switzerland 8,508,904 24
5 Netherlands 17,260,600 19
6 Cyprus 854,800 15
7 Slovenia 2,067,284 14
8 Ireland 4,857,000 14
9 Estonia 1,319,133 14
10 Canada 37,246,700 12
11 United Arab Emirates (UAE) 9,541,615 12
12 United Kingdom 66,040,229 11
13 Australia 25,084,400 11
14 Andorra 78,264 11
15 Lithuania 2,799,127 10
16 Denmark 5,789,957 9
17 New Zealand 4,909,640 8
18 United States 327,375,909 8
19 Israel 8,926,880 8
20 Belgium 11,420,163 7
21 France 65,304,940 6
22 Latvia 1,923,400 6
23 Finland 5,519,463 6
24 Norway 5,312,343 6
25 Sweden 10,196,177 6
26 Austria 8,838,171 5
27 Spain 46,659,302 5
28 Bulgaria 7,050,034 5
29 Germany 82,792,400 5
30 Iceland 353,070 4
31 Barbados 286,388 4
32 Portugal 10,291,027 4
33 Serbia 7,001,444 4
34 Belarus 9,478,200 3
35 Croatia 4,105,493 3
36 Italy 60,421,460 3
37 Czech Republic 10,625,449 3
38 Costa Rica 5,003,393 3
39 Mauritius 1,264,887 3
40 Slovakia 5,443,120 3
41 Ukraine 42,248,129 3
42 Bahamas 381,320 3
43 Bahrain 1,496,300 2
44 Poland 38,433,600 2
45 Greece 10,768,193 2
46 South Korea 51,635,256 2
47 Hungary 9,771,000 2
48 Romania 20,244,080 2
49 Taiwan 23,577,271 2
50 Uruguay 3,505,985 2
51 Qatar 2,561,643 2
52 Malaysia 32,486,800 2
53 Armenia 2,969,800 2
54 Macedonia (FYROM) 2,075,301 2
55 Tunisia 11,446,300 2
56 Georgia 3,729,600 2
57 Montenegro 622,359 1
58 Chile 17,574,003 1
59 South Africa 57,725,600 1
60 Kosovo 1,798,506 1
61 Panama 4,158,783 1
62 Lebanon 6,093,509 1
63 Argentina 44,494,502 1
64 Moldova 3,550,900 1
65 Brazil 209,681,000 1
66 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,511,372 1
67 Brunei 422,678 1
68 Turkey 80,810,525 1
69 Belize 395,882 1
70 Thailand 69,183,173 1
71 Trinidad and Tobago 1,356,633 1
72 Saudi Arabia 33,413,660 1
73 Albania 2,870,324 1
74 Kuwait 4,226,920 1
75 Colombia 49,981,900 1
76 Vietnam 94,660,000 1
77 Venezuela 31,828,110 1
78 Jamaica 2,728,864 1
79 Jordan 10,256,300 1
80 Peru 32,162,184 1
81 Sri Lanka 21,444,000 1
82 Philippines 106,574,000 1
83 Kenya 50,950,879 1
84 Fiji 884,887 1
85 Mexico 124,737,789 1
86 Oman 4,651,706 1
87 Russia 146,877,088 1
88 Japan 126,420,000 1
89 India 1,337,930,000 1
90 Mongolia 3,230,010 0
91 Kazakhstan 18,292,700 0
92 Maldives 378,114 0
93 Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) 1,159,250 0
94 Ecuador 17,090,200 0
95 Dominican Republic 10,266,149 0
96 Nigeria 193,392,517 0
97 Morocco 34,808,300 0
98 Egypt 97,691,700 0
99 Botswana 2,302,878 0
100 Pakistan 202,246,000 0
101 Nepal 29,218,867 0
102 Iran 81,852,400 0
103 Azerbaijan 9,943,226 0
104 Ghana 29,614,337 0
105 Zimbabwe 14,848,905 0
106 Bhutan 727,145 0
107 Palestine 4,780,978 0
108 Bolivia 11,307,314 0
109 Indonesia 265,015,300 0
110 Paraguay 7,052,983 0
111 Guatemala 17,302,084 0
112 Cambodia 16,069,921 0
113 El Salvador 6,643,359 0
114 Honduras 9,012,229 0
115 Senegal 15,726,037 0
116 Kyrgyzstan 6,309,300 0
117 Laos 6,961,210 0
118 Saint Kitts and Nevis 46,204 0
119 Rwanda 12,001,136 0
120 Cape Verde 544,081 0
121 Cameroon 23,794,164 0
122 Bangladesh 165,323,000 0
123 Suriname 568,301 0
124 Cote d’Ivoire 25,073,543 0
125 Uganda 38,823,100 0
126 Algeria 42,545,964 0
127 Papua New Guinea 8,558,800 0
128 Nicaragua 6,284,757 0
129 Uzbekistan 32,653,900 0
130 Benin 11,362,269 0
131 Togo 7,352,000 0
132 Tanzania 54,199,163 0
133 Libya 6,470,956 0
134 Zambia 16,887,720 0
135 Cuba 11,221,060 0
136 Myanmar 53,862,731 0
137 Mozambique 28,861,863 0
138 Afghanistan 31,575,018 0
139 Haiti 11,112,945 0
140 Madagascar 26,262,810 0
141 Mauritania 3,984,233 0
142 Angola 29,250,009 0
143 Liberia 4,382,387 0
144 Iraq 39,339,753 0
145 Sudan 40,888,530 0
146 Ethiopia 107,534,882 0
147 Yemen 28,915,284 0
148 Dem. Rep. Congo 84,749,301 0
149 Malawi 17,931,637 0
150 North Korea 25,610,672 0
151 China 1,394,480,000 0
152 Antigua and Barbuda 86,295 0
153 Burkina Faso 20,244,080 0
154 Burundi 10,681,186 0
155 Central African Republic (CAR) 4,737,423 0
156 Chad 15,353,184 0
157 Comoros 850,688 0
158 Djibouti 1,049,001 0
159 Dominica 71,293 0
160 Equatorial Guinea 1,222,442 0
161 Eritrea 5,187,948 0
162 Gabon 2,067,561 0
163 Gambia 2,163,765 0
164 Grenada 103,328 0
165 Guinea 11,883,516 0
166 Guinea-Bissau 1,584,763 0
167 Guyana 782,225 0
168 Kiribati 120,100 0
169 Lesotho 2,263,010 0
170 Liechtenstein 38,111 0
171 Mali 19,107,706 0
172 Marshall Islands 55,500 0
173 Micronesia 105,300 0
174 Monaco 38,300 0
175 Namibia 2,413,643 0
176 Nauru 10,084 0
177 Niger 22,545,182 0
178 Palau 17,900 0
179 Saint Lucia 179,667 0
180 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 109,557 0
181 Samoa 56,700 0
182 San Marino 33,344 0
183 Sao Tome and Principe 197,700 0
184 Seychelles 94,205 0
185 Sierra Leone 7,719,729 0
186 Solomon Islands 667,044 0
187 Somalia 15,181,925 0
188 S. Sudan 12,323,419 0
189 Syria 18,284,407 0
190 Tajikistan 8,931,000 0
191 Timor-Leste 1,261,407 0
192 Tonga 109,280 0
193 Turkmenistan 5,851,466 0
194 Tuvalu 10,640 0
195 Vanuatu 304,500 0
196 Vatican City (Holy See) 800 0

Now this is more interesting and provides some food for thought. Both offshore / low tax locations (probably due to ICOs) and traditional blockchain centres such as Malta, Luxembourg, Singapore, Switzerland, Netherlands and Cyprus are mixed here. I’m slightly surprised to see Slovenia as N7-8 in the list, but having met some really great blockchain developers and analysts from there I know there are a quite a few blockchain focused businesses in Slovenia.

Heatmap below.

blockchain developers relative to population by country, world mapHeatmap: world blockchain developers by country, relative to population size, 2018

Zooming into Europe, Malta, Switzerland, NetherlandsLuxembourgCyprus, Ireland, Slovenia and Estonia are ahead in terms of blockchain developers saturation, followed by Lithuania and United Kingdom.

blockchain developers proportional saturation Europe

Heatmap: Europe blockchain developers by country, relative to population size, 2018

Zooming into Asia, Singapore is far ahead, followed by Cyprus, UAE and Israel. Countries like Bahrain and Qatar also have sizeable presence having around 3 blockchain developers per 100,000 of population.

blockchain developers map Asia 2018

Heatmap: Asia blockchain developers by country, relative to population size, 2018

We hope you find this information useful. Definitely it helps us in our planning of our developer outreach and ecosystem activities. We are committed to work globally on educating more decentralized technology developers and growing the blockchain ecosystem.

Dappros plans to keep monitoring the statistics on blockchain developers worldwide. Stay tuned for updates, it will be interesting to see how figures develop over time.

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Taras Filatov
Taras Filatov
Articles: 74

One comment

  1. Hey, thanks for pulling this data. Really useful…

    I’d like to know more about the initial list. In particular, how can the # of blockchain developers be greater than the Total, est.? What defines these fields?

    Also curious about how the data was pulled (I imagine anyone with “developer” “Ethereum” or “Blockchain” in their Twitter/Linkedin profiles were gathered?

    Thanks for the info!

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