Free smart contracts audit for enterprise blockchain applications

Dappros is pleased to announce as part of our Quality Assurance efforts around Dappros Platform we offer our customers a complimentary audit of their smart contracts developer by 3rd parties or Dappros Professional Services team. This offer currently includes Free Tier.

An example excerpt of audit report is provided below.

Contact us to request your free audit.

Your one-stop solution for the digital transformation of your business.
We support Javascript embedding and all popular frontend and backend configurations

Your branding + full integration into your business processes and your existing software.

  • Digital wallet – all your users’ data and documents in one place
  • Chat/messaging – easily connect your employees and customers
  • Web3 and AI features – GPT bots, gamification and add-ons
  • compliance – GDPR, CCPA, DPA, HIPAA etc

Fill out our Contact form or book a call to find out more.

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