Why should we save tigers?

There is an old debate — Development or Environment? Both sides are needed hand in hand to strike a healthy balance. We have to act smart and sensitive to create a healthy environment for sustainability and economy growth. Human empowerment is incomplete without ecology, plants, and animals which need our help. With the latest technology and human efforts that is highly possible.

This Majestic creature is just not animal, in many countries it is considered as a symbol of faith. Tiger is the national animal of Malaysia and Bangladesh. In China, they celebrate Tiger year.
5 countries have come together to form the National Tiger Conversational Authority. Their mission is to doubling the number of Tigers by 2020 and it is called Tx2.

Saving tigers is about more than restoring a single species. As a large predator, tigers play an important role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. If the tigers go extinct, the entire ecosystem would collapse. This means that the animal has no natural predators (despite being threatened by humans). If the tigers were to disappear, there would be consequences for all the links of this food chain, with the effects even influencing plants and, in some areas, people (multiplication of herbivore animals who will overgraze land creating irreparable damage and imbalance to ecosystem, proliferation of some parasites, possible spreading of epidemics, and disappearance of new species…).

E.g. when the Dodos went extinct in Mauritius, one species of Acacia tree stopped regenerating completely. So, when a species goes extinct, it leaves behind a scar, which affects the entire ecosystem.

Another reason why we need to save the tiger is that our forests are water catchment areas.
Therefore, it’s not just about saving a beautiful animal. It is about making sure that we live a little longer as the forests are known to provide ecological services like clean air, water, pollination, temperature regulation, etc.

Table: Number of Tigers worldwide

Rank. Country. Number of Tigers (2014)

1 India              2,226
2 Russia           433
3 Indonesia       371
4 Malaysia         250
5 Nepal             198
6 Thailand         189
7 Bangladesh    106
8 Bhutan            103
9 China              7
10 Vietnam        5
11 Laos              2

Recently on World Tiger Day, Prime Minister of India has released the report on a number of Tigers in India is 2967. 15 years back they were only 1400 Tigers left which was a shocking number. But India did a great job of conserving and increasing number. 1/4th of Tiger population living in India, a country with the highest number.

Tiger raised countries must combat poaching and trading if tigers are to have a future. Nepal and India already working towards with help of animal lovers, concern organization and enforce law and order.
With all hopes and trust in these countries who are striving to save instinct animal, wishing you all happy Tiger Conversation Day.

Let the Tiger be that symbol of sustainability.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePCGxg0IOaA (PM Narendra Modi releases ‘Tiger Census Report 2018’)

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