Reliable Blockchain-as-a-Service Providers in 2023

Do you need to develop outstanding and secure blockchain apps or infrastructure for your business? Read our publication re blockchain-as-a-service here so you can choose the right BaaS provider. 

Blockchain-as-a-service (similarly to “Software-as-a-Service” (SaaS) and “Platform-as-a-Service” (PaaS)) emerges as a significant information technology trend since blockchain adoption is rising. Why should this emerging trend concern you?

Let’s say you have got an excellent business idea or an existing business that can highly benefit from a blockchain or distributed ledger (DLT) infrastructure. Now, is it worthwhile for you to delve into the technicalities of blockchain and build your own blockchain network from the ground up to implement this?

Or, is it more cost-effective and rational to license (or even get a free tier) a ready service from a BaaS service provider to serve you with the blockchain infrastructure you need? In the meantime, you can focus on investment sourcing, conceptualizing your idea into a real service, and marketing your service to buyers or users (as a startup). As an established business, you and your IT team can focus on what you do best, investing more into your focus area where you posses the business expertise.

Most businesses and tech entrepreneurs like you would answer that they would prefer blockchain-as-a-service over the in-house development of their own blockchain infrastructure.

Read on to introduce yourself to this revolutionary IT service technology blockchain-as-a-service, its working process, types, market statistics, and finally the best blockchain-as-a-service platforms suitable for different business sizes in 2023.     

What Is Blockchain-As-A-Service?

Blockchain-as-a-service is a managed service product from the cloud or non-cloud IT businesses that will provide you with all sorts of blockchain-tech-related services like network architecture planning, network implementation and setup, smart contracts (dApps) deployment, smart contracts execution, blockchain network security, and so on. 

It is highly similar to Software-as-a-Service or Platform-as-a-Service. Instead of conventional computer or web software or a cloud platform, the BaaS concept deals with blockchain infrastructure and software. 

In terms of infrastructure and hosting, the BaaS service could be based on a public cloud, private cloud, or on-site blockchain network. This decision will depend on your business model, security requirements, investment capacity etc.

Mostly, businesses choose cloud BaaS products over on-site services since cloud blockchain is (1) easier to use; (2) offers better scalability; (3) requires less maintenance; and (4) is more affordable and cost efficient as compared to a blockchain network running in your own data centre infrastructure.

That said, unlike with ‘normal’ applications, the above factors aren’t the only ones when deciding the infrastructure configuration for your web3 / blockchain network. There might be situations where governance and consensus mechanisms will play a major role in making the decision. For example, when a network of banks or participants of a supply chain decide to implement a blockchain network among them, it might be highly beneficial where at least one node is hosted by each entity under their control. For this they can still use a cloud infrastructure and a BaaS provider, as long as the node in question remains under their control.

How Does Blockchain-As-A-Service Work?

When you sign up for a BaaS contract with a Blockchain-as-a-Service company, you and the managed service provider (MSP) essentially enter into an IT services agreement. 

Here, the BaaS service provider agrees to facilitate all the necessary Blockchain infrastructure like software and networking technology for your business’s blockchain application. In return, you agree to pay for the services provided.

It is just like subscribing to Google Workspace or Microsoft 365. The MSP provides you access to software and cloud infrastructure with a specific service level agreement (SLA). SLA terms could include the availability of the platform for 365 days, uptime guarantees, upgrades frequency, major upgrades as the blockchain protocols update, technical support and ticketing system details and so on.  

The BaaS MSP partner deploys all the essential systems. The BaaS provider also procures the required infrastructure and technology to run and manage Blockchain-connected nodes on your behalf. In most cases this means they already have their infrastructure layer set up in their own data centre or via an Infrastructure-as-a-Service Provider (such as AWS, Azure, GCP etc) and they install their own blockchain platform + any additional service, wrapping, caching and other application layers that in combination provide you with a Blockchain-as-a-Service product.

Now, some Blockchain-as-a-Service providers will offer the ‘on premise’ option where you can have the blockchain running in any cloud (IaaS provider) or in your own data centre. Others will be less flexible and will be tied to only one option. It is important to clarify whether this is an important factor for you.

Note: many IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) providers including Amazon’s AWS, Microsoft Azure, IBM etc do offer their own blockchain-as-a-service products. It is important to understand, however, that (1) this isn’t their core competency – their focus remains on the low-level infrastructure; (2) their BaaS compared to a specialized BaaS may be a world apart in terms of features and services offered. Simply due to the corporate size and product focus of the IaaS provider. Blockchain-as-a-service solutions provided by IaaS tend to be a thin ‘bare minimum’ layer of blockchain infrastructure on top of their normal instances at a premium cost. This means it will still require your team a lot of time and effort to understand how this works and how to set up the infrastructure correctly. (3) counter-intuitively, the cost of specialized BaaS providers in many cases would be lower when compared to the IaaS own blockchain instances offering, despite specialized BaaS provider packing more services within the same or lower price range. For example, at Dappros Platform we normally use standard AWS EC2 instances for our blockchain-as-a-service infrastructure which come at a much lower price range compared to the blockchain instances from AWS. This means that our BaaS license with all the extra functionality and service will still come at the same or lower price range as compared to AWS ‘bare minimum’ and ‘build it yourself’ offering.

Depending on your blockchain application business needs, the BaaS service provider may configure the blockchain network using any established distributed ledgers networks software as mentioned below:

  • Ethereum
  • Quorum
  • Bitcoin
  • BlockApps
  • R3 Corda
  • Chain Core
  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • Solana
  • Tezos

Alternatively, the blockchain-as-a-service provider may also set you up with a new blockchain network branded with your company or product name, should you choose to start a new network. There multiple options available here where you may have a (a) public network, a (b) private network, or a (c) side chain or L2 network that is connected to one of the public networks. You may also decide which parts of your network information get exposed to the public or to the public chain. For example, using the hashing anchoring or zero knowledge proof mechanisms you can get the best out of the two world keeping your business data secure and on-chain, while also cryptographically proving their existence and provenance using these mechanisms.

Further, the BaaS provider takes the responsibility of managing all the vital blockchain-related issues. The idea is to keep the infrastructure up and running throughout the years as long as you need it. A BaaS contract between you and the service provider also includes support services. These are as mentioned below:

  • Blockchain network bandwidth management
  • Optimization of blockchain resources
  • Managing security or network failure incidents
  • Monitoring system health frequently
  • Preventive security surveillance
  • Proactive prevention of hacking attempts
  • Customer friendly and responsive technical support team

This service model for blockchain infrastructure and technology helps the businesses to focus on important business processes such as core product development using their niche expertise, sales, marketing, investment decisions etc.

You simply use a blockchain network just like consuming cloud storage from Google, AWS or Microsoft. You mainly handle your core business and competition strategies while the BaaS service provider handles all the blockchain technology provisioning.

As would be expected, the managed Blockchain-as-a-Service provider agrees through a contract that they will not claim any intellectual property rights (IPR) on the blockchain program or business process that you carry on using their network infrastructure (or your own infrastructure managed by them).

Similarly, the Blockchain-as-a-Service provider ensures compliance in the areas of data protection, GDPR or any vertical specific such as HIPAA compliance by providing you with the necessary details on how the data is being stored, encryption and cryptography practices, cybersecurity approaches and tight security policies for their own technical team.

Similarly how it happens with cloud infrastructure providers, you just rent the infrastructure for them. For your public relations purposes, there is no need for you to give the BaaS service provider credits in publications and marketing collaterals etc.

Depending on the configuration and infrastructure used, normally it should be relatively easy for your IT team or a 3rd party provider to migrate your blockchain infrastructure and data off your BaaS provider should such need arise. Dappros Platform, for example, uses a widely used EVM compatible (or Ethereum based) blockchain infrastructure. There are thousands of developers in the world who work with this technology. Thus you avoid any vendor lock in, as long as you choose a responsible BaaS provider that uses a popular and open source blockchain technology.     

Types Of Blockchain-As-A-Service Platforms

BaaS products are available in different compositions depending on the technical services involved. Find below the most important types of blockchain-as-a-service products: 

1. Networks Supported

Do you need an all-in-one blockchain-as-a-service provider? Do you simple implement a components of non-fungible token (NFT) mechanics or digital assets marketplace and only need the Ethereum network integration? Does your business or your consortium require to put certain business transactions and documents on chain so you can prove to each other (or external validators) the existence and provenance of such transactions and documents, where you need a secure private blockchain running peer-to-peer between your entities with a controlled ‘anchoring’ to a global network? All these questions require you, likely with your BaaS provider’s advice, to decide what type of blockchain network and network configuration you need.

Some BaaS providers may offer blockchain networks for all the major and popular blockchains. On the other hand, some just help you to set up a custom blockchain just for your business, isolated from public blockchains, often known as private blockchains for enterprise or medium business needs.

For example, Microsoft BaaS only offers blockchain service through Azure confidential ledger. On other hand Codefi Product Suite lets you develop blockchain apps on the Ethereum platform — the widely used blockchain network for NFTs and other digital assets. Platforms such as our Dappros Platform are flexible and allow you to choose your configuration depending on your business requirements. It will typically be an Ethereum based (EVM compatible) blockchain network but you can decide whether you will use Dappros Platform for interaction with public blockchain (including which one), your own private blockchain or a hybrid of your own L2 chain with a public mainnet.

2. Technologies and solutions offered

Based on additional technologies and solutions offered beyond the ‘bare minimum’ blockchain infra, you can differentiate BaaS providers into various segments. For example, you will find some BaaS providers offer you a development platform to develop Web 3.0 apps, like Microsoft. There are other “no code” solutions in the market. On the other hand, some BaaS providers will offer a ready-to-deploy (low code) blockchain app by customizing its interface with your own branding.

As an example of this, at Dappros we have developed a Web 3.0 ‘super app’ engine which is openly available on Github and can be used by any software development team with React.js or React Native experience to quickly develop their own web3 powered web or mobile app. For example, you can create an internal blockchain-based business app to manage inventories and business transactions securely, a health documents wallet, a rewards wallet, a second screen / fans connect app with NFT-based digital assets and many more.

For instance, if you need to deploy an iOS/Android app for your wallet or NFT marketplace business, you can use the Ethora engine offered by Dappros. This engine can be used along with Dappros Platform blockchain-as-a-service offering.

Messaging and Push Notifications. Another example we would like to mention here is a presence of additional services and features that are not directly related to blockchain and web3. Within Dappros Platform infrastructure we offer an Ejabberd-based chat server and our own high speed push notifications infrastructure. Our clients don’t have to use these features but they remain available at API and messaging protocol level should they need them, also conveniently integrated within Ethora engine. The reason we decided to include these modules into our Blockchain-as-a-Service platform is that we have been working on enterprise messaging solutions for many years in the past and we know what major role this plays in creating an interactive, immersive and sticky experience for the end users. Users love to communicate and they need to communicate. They also want to stay updated when something of importance happens. We have identified an important gap between what the blockchain space had to offer and the conventional ‘backend-as-a-service’, messaging and push notification technologies that applications still need. Even more so for web3 apps. When you receive a token transfer, incoming coins payment or you’ve been rewarded by another user – that’s where you would expect to receive a push notification from your mobile app. You expect to be able to interact with other users, with the business, with your colleagues or even AI-powered chat bots. With Dappros Platform, you have the communication-as-a-service infrastructure also offered as part of the whole blockchain-as-a-service package and they are closely integrated together.

The above is just an example, but it is a powerful example. Depending on what makes sense for your business and your app, it is worth while to spend that extra time talking to the Blockchain-as-a-Service (or Backend-as-a-Service) providers examine the whole suite of products and expertise they have to offer. You might discover that while on the surface they look similar, some of the solutions and providers will tick more of your boxes and you may be able to solve all of your application backend infrastructure needs in one go rather than trying to piece together multiple integrations.

3. Smart Contract Consensus Supported

All blockchain networks use the peer-to-peer data transfer protocol. This means all nodes in the platform are equal. Hence, blockchains use a consensus mechanism to reach an agreement to ‘sign’ and include a new block into their existing decentralized ledger. This agreement is known as the consensus for a blockchain network and is important for the operation of smart contracts that execute on the blockchain. In blockchain, the apps are called dApps (or smart contracts) and they rely on this distributed ledger rather than a centralized database, as a source of truth.

You can classify the BaaS according to the consensus mechanism it supports. There could be the following smart contract consensus mechanism:

  • Proof of Work (PoW) as in Bitcoin blockchain
  • Proof of Stake (PoS) as in Ethereum, Cardano, etc.
  • Proof of Authority (PoA) as in Decred (DCR)
  • Proof of Capacity (PoC) as in Signum
  • proof of Storage (PoS) as in Filecoin
  • Social Networks as in Ripple (XRP)    Note

Note that this list is not exhaustive and you don’t really have to break your head overthinking which consensus mechanism you should be using in case you don’t know much about this. Your Blockchain-as-a-Service provider however must be able to confirm which consensus mechanism is (are) available in their offering and whether it suits your business requirements.

Dappros Platform offers flexibility in this regard. Initially we have been running our own chain using Ethereum PoW and later on have switched to PoA with bridging to the mainnet. Ethereum mainnet uses PoS of course, but if you have been following its history then you know it has been doing PoW until recently. The configuration of PoA L2 chain + mainnet bridging we have as default offers optimal throughput and makes sense for smaller L2 chains used for business purposes. This doesn’t mean you cannot use Dappros Platform with any other type of consensus compatible with Ethereum network. For separate blockchains this will be a matter of a simple re-configuration of a Genesis file! We will of course first would discuss this with you, learning about your project first and then recommending the best suited consensus configuration.

4. Use cases

Blockchain apps could be used as a cryptocurrency wallet, encrypted social media, crypto asset marketplace, supply chain “track & trace” app, and so on. Hence, depending on the use cases being supported, your prioritisation of BaaS providers might vary too.

For example, Accenture BaaS offers a wide variety of blockchain infrastructure, solution development, and technology innovation services for the following business niches: 

  • Metaverse
  • Social networks, cause, and impact
  • Banking and financial services
  • Digital identity for high-security applications
  • Blockchain platform or app for supply chain management  

Dappros Platform is a use case agnostic blockchain-as-a-service, however there have been some notably successful implementations in the areas of social commerce, healthcare, sports fans connect and supply chain (or track&trace). You can learn more about Dappros Platform use cases by visiting our main page and navigating to “Use Cases” there.

5. Verticals and clients served

The BaaS market also segregates various BaaS products according to the intended type of client, or vertical. For example, BaaS services like Microsoft, IBM, and SAP are focusing on enterprise market. Enterprises are likely to be using blockchain platforms for the following use cases:

  • Internal and external communications
  • Customer databases
  • Internal and external websites
  • Digital asset repositories
  • Content management systems
  • Supply chain management

On other hand, Chainstack, Blockstream,etc, are more suitable for small-scale crypto marketplaces and social apps for cryptocurrency businesses.

Pricing will also vary accordingly. Enterprise focused blockchain offerings may target project budgets in millions of dollars and require complex legal contracts to be entered into, while smaller and startup-friendly platforms would be offering a clear monthly subscription model where you don’t need to fill out any paperwork beyond standard terms & conditions you tick when sign up.

Dappros Platform caters for both markets offering dedicated infrastructure, consulting and implementation package along with enterprise grade SLA contract for the enterprise sector, as well as an easy online sign up option for startups and smaller businesses. A free tier is available which will be enough for MVP projects.

Niche / Feature-specific blockchain platforms

If you are planning to launch a small-scale blockchain app for a few thousand users or for a small or medium business need, you may not want to rely on enterprise BaaS services. Because those will be too costly to sustain your business. You need a niche or features-specific BaaS. There are quite a few and these are as mentioned below:  

  • Financial settlements via blockchain are a BaaS offering from Corda
  • Blockchain tools as BaaS are provided by Bloq
  • For dApp development and hosting MultiBaaS offers some personalized services
  • PixelPlex and Dappros offer personalized digital document and certificate verification on blockchain
  • Intellectsoft US, Dappros, etc., offer ready-to go low code apps and wallet apps development platform and engines based on blockchain
  • SEIF is a niche BaaS provider that mainly works on smart contracts for blockchains

Statistics of Blockchain-As-A-Service Providers For 2023

According to Markets and Markets, the overall revenue in the BaaS industry will grow at a rate of 62.2%. The BaaS industry earned a total of $632 million in 2020 and the revenue should grow to more than $11 billion in 2026.

Find below a summary table of managed BaaS providers, their revenue, key services, growth expectancy, and other vital data: 

BaaS ProviderRevenueServices OfferedCost of Ownership
Blockstream$12.5 millionBlockstream finance, energy, mining, crypto dataContact sales
Alchemy$25.3 million Supernode, NFT API, SDK, Transact, Spearmint$50/user/month
Kaleido$2 millionRun, Build, and Deploy blockchain-based apps, Web 3.0, digital assets, Hyperledger Fabric$0.55 / month/ node
+additional costs
Amazon Managed Blockchain$45.37 billionHyperledger Fabric or EthereumStarts from $0.134/ hour per virtual machine instance
Azure Blockchain Workbench<$29 billionManage Identities, Manage User Roles, Offline storage, API blockchain with Swagger UI, Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, Corda$400-$500/ month
IBM Blockchain$4.2 billionIBM Support for Hyperledger Fabric, blockchain for retail, supply chain, energy, automobiles, manufacturing, banking$180/ VPC
+additional costs
Chainstack$5.7 millionBlockchain protocols, hosting, Node development, Node customization, load balancing, global mempool, crypto marketplace, APIs$990 /month for platform cost
Usage costs extra
Crypto APIs$360kBlockchain data, wallet as a service, node as a service, blockchain market analytics, blockchain dev tools, automation solutions for the blockchain$1,199/ month
BlockCypher<$5 millionMining pool, blockchain API, blockchain explorer tools$100/ month
Velas<$5 milliondApps, DEX, DeFi, NFT, marketplaces, Web 3.0, metaverse, play-to-earn gamesFree to develop crypto projects
Luniverse<$5 millionEnterprise blockchain cloud, low code developer tools, wallet services $2,530/ month
Coinbase Cloud$1.2 billionWeb 3.0 app development with Node, Pay SDK, Wallet SDK, Staking across 25+ blockchain networks Free for Web 3.0 app development
HollaEx$420kSet up exchanges, launch crypto assets, branding, customizations, onboard usersCrypto Pro: $1,850/month
BlockApps$6 millionPublic blockchain for business, real-world asset digitization, data transparency, incentivization for participation Contact sales for custom pricing
LeewayHertz$10 millionCrypto wallet, blockchain explorer, Proof-of-reserve audit solution, managed blockchain launch$1,500/ month

Major Blockchain-As-A-Service Providers For 2023

1. Microsoft Azure Blockchain-As-A-Service

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure was one of the largest companies that offer BaaS to developers and enterprises. It provides low-risk, low-cost, super-fast, and fail-proof solutions. Its customer base included top names like  GE, J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Singapore Airlines, Chevron Corporation, 3M Company, Starbucks, and Xbox. 

While Microsoft retired Azure Blockchain in Q3 of 2021, it introduced a new Blockchain-based product named Azure confidential ledger. This solution hosts data in trusted execution environments (TEEs). It also uses Blockchain technology to store and manage decentralized ledger data. Its tamperproof storage retains data integrity and prevents unauthorized modification. 

This platform uses hardware-backed secure enclaves to protect your data in transit, at rest, and in use. Customers can access the tamper evidence anytime, get receipts for every transaction, and check tamper evidence for ledger blocks and server nodes. 

To keep the Confidential Ledger data tamperproof forever, it uses blocks with cryptographic signatures and consensus-based replicas. In the coming days, users will also be able to add multiple parties for collaborative activities decentralized ledger with the consortium concept, a prime attribute offered by the blockchain.

2. Google Cloud Blockchain-As-A-Service

Google Cloud Blockchain-As-A-Service
Google Cloud Blockchain Node Engine

Google recently announced its entry into the BaaS industry through Google Cloud’s Blockchain Node Engine. Ethereum is the first blockchain that this platform supports, and it offers fully managed node-hosting for Web3 development with secure blockchain access.

This solution helps Web3 companies to do away with the need for self-managed nodes. It provides them with dedicated nodes for transaction relay, smart contract deployment, and blockchain data reading and writing. In this platform, users will also get the expected security, reliability, and performance.

Blockchain Node Engine makes compute instance provisioning easier and effortless by allowing developers to deploy a new node and define their preferred region and network. This platform will also come in handy for customers who want to keep their blockchain infrastructures secure. 

Its security configurations prevent unauthorized nodes access.

It uses a Virtual Private Cloud firewall to shield the nodes. Hence, communication with client endpoints is only possible for trusted machines and users. Google Cloud also offers Cloud Armor which is useful in protecting nodes from DDoS attacks

This BaaS platform offers a fully managed service that does not come with any availability issues. In any event of an outage, Google Cloud restarts the nodes immediately, as these are under constant and active monitoring. It means organizations do not need a dedicated DevOps team for this purpose.

3. IBM Blockchain-As-A-Service

IBM Blockchain Platform Hyperledger

IBM is another big name that provides Blockchain-as-a-service to companies of all sizes. It uses distributed ledger technology to create solutions that offer reliable data exchange and automated workflow. The clientele of IBM BaaS service includes Renault, IPwe, Visa, The Home Depot, CIGNA Corporation, Aetna, Lygon, and Health Care Service Corporation.

The solution helps users increase sales with product authenticity. Besides increasing brand trust, companies can access new monetization opportunities with asset tokenization. IBM BaaS helps organizations automate shared processes, reduce conflicts, and have better accountability across teams.

With sure-shot methodologies and composable capabilities, achieving success through positive business outcomes becomes possible with this solution. It can also contribute to streamlining workflows around trusted data and improve productivity and performance across the value chain.

IBM offers several blockchain solutions for supply chain management, sustainable food ecosystems, digital identity management, and organizations that use Hyperledger Fabric for solution development. Industries that can use this blockchain service are government, healthcare, financial services, banks, life science, and many more.

Companies can use IBM blockchain to collaborate even with their competitors while having less friction and more transparency in the business process. It also helps them build a flowing network of goods and data to transform how the industries function.

4. SAP Blockchain-As-A-Service

SAP HANA and Blockchain Cloud Platform

The SAP Blockchain is another blockchain-as-a-service provider that lets you develop your own blockchain extensions. Here, customers can use the open standards to create new and private consortia-based blockchain models. With it, you can explore blockchain while being worry free about the reliability and transparency of operations and computations.

Its ecosystem has two components, as listed below:

  • SAP HANA Blockchain Service: It allows popular enterprise-level blockchain platforms to connect to the SAP HANA database. As a result, you can access numerous new possibilities not available in other platforms with similar ecosystems.
  • SAP Cloud Platform Blockchain: It offers conventional BaaS solutions that you can integrate with state-of-the-art technologies like AI and IoT. You can also integrate it with ERP solutions from SAP.

SAP works differently than other BaaS platforms. Instead of becoming a blockchain implementation solution, it allows customers to utilize already established and available blockchain frameworks.

As a business-oriented blockchain service provider, SAP maintains all the necessary critical values, such as data integrity, impacted process, and quality. For successful blockchain experiences, it also ensures security and availability. It also offers a BaaS abstraction layer that supports open standards and accurate integration with other applications.

International trading, ocean shipping, wireless device security, digital ledger, and mobile device validation are some of the prominent industries that use SAP blockchain service.

5. Amazon Managed Blockchain

amazon blockchain services
AWS Amazon Managed Blockchain

Amazon Managed Blockchain is a fully managed BaaS that enables you to provision blockchain infrastructure in a few clicks. Now, there is no need to create a private blockchain network or nodes for connecting to a public blockchain network. 

Amazon BaaS supports the use of open-source frameworks like Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric to join public networks or create scalable private networks. Here, you can even build an NFT marketplace or analyze Ethereum blockchain data using dedicated Ethereum nodes.

Opting for this solution means you do not need manual hardware provisioning, software configuration, and network set up. Networks created with this platform are easily scalable. It even has a voting API that network members can use to decide on adding or removing a participant.

6. Alibaba Blockchain-As-A-Service

Alibaba cloud
Alibaba Blockchain as a Service

Alibaba BaaS offers secure, seamless, stable, and open services that you can use for efficiency and mutual collaboration. It not only supports business development but also minimizes operational and maintenance costs. This platform is also compatible with Hyperledger Fabric, Quorum, and Ant Blockchain technologies.

Alibaba blockchain-as-a-service has several use cases. In the supply chain, it ensures Products Provenance through end-to-end traceability. In the same industry, companies can use it to build a tamper-proof platform integrating logistics, capital, and transaction flow without exposing sensitive data.

In the healthcare and research industry, this platform protects user privacy. It also facilitates data ownership protection and a large amount of data storage. Additionally, it also contributes to protecting digital content ownership by standardizing the processes of ownership recording and transactions.

Alibaba BaaS utilizes chip encryption technologies to offer advanced security protection to its users. Its reliable data storage facility is scalable and offers highly available end-to-end service. All standard blockchain data and applications, including open-source blockchain technologies like Hyperledger Fabric, get native support from this platform.  

Companies can also use it to build enterprise-ready network environments effortlessly for blockchain with its improved administrative functions.

7. Dappros Platform

Dappros Platform
Dappros Platform

Dappros Platform is an Ethereum-based (EVM compatible) blockchain-as-a-service platform that includes a powerful API layer and comes combined with communication infrastructure (Chat and Push Notifications). This is an especially handy in cases where your project has any aspects of community, communication or social commerce involved.

That said, Dappros Platform is also being used by many businesses who have nothing to do with social on the first glance, such as healthcare and KYC / financial documents vertical.

This is because Dappros stands out thanks to its user friendly Ethora web3 client app. Ethora is a low code mobile & web client for Dappros Platform which makes it super easy for businesses and startups to deploy their own mobile or desktop applications. It takes less than 1 day to re-brand and launch your own app into the Apple and Google app stores using the Ethora engine, and it already comes with all the web3 features natively supported.

ethora GitHub repository
Ethora engine low code React Native and Reactjs client for Dappros Platform on Github


We do hope you have enjoyed going through the fifty shades of Blockchain-as-a-Service together with us! We wish you good luck in choosing the best suitable BaaS platform that will add web3 wings to your business. Please feel free to contact us in case you would like a free consultation from our team.

Your one-stop solution for the digital transformation of your business.
We support Javascript embedding and all popular frontend and backend configurations

Your branding + full integration into your business processes and your existing software.

  • Digital wallet – all your users’ data and documents in one place
  • Chat/messaging – easily connect your employees and customers
  • Web3 and AI features – GPT bots, gamification and add-ons
  • compliance – GDPR, CCPA, DPA, HIPAA etc

Fill out our Contact form or book a call to find out more.

Dappros Team
Dappros Team
Articles: 135